Acupuncture works by promoting natural healing, reducing stress response in the body and improve and increase the flow of oxygenated blood (qi and blood). The improved blood flow enhances the body’s recovery and immune system. With over a decade and a half of clinical experience - Jeremy has helped thousands of patients improve from both acute and chronic health concerns so that they can get back to living their lives and doing what they love.
Joint pain?
Digestive Concerns?
Poor Sleep?
Let that go! Jeremy has trained extensively in Dr. Richard Tan’s global Balance style of acupuncture, which is very gentle. He uses fine needles, about the size of a hair. Most patients fall into a deep state of pleasurable relaxation.
In fact, conventional doctors often refer patients for stress or anxiety, which acupuncture is highly effective for. However, it does far more than that – it’s an entire system of medicine! Jeremy’s experience and knowledge of pain and injury is extensive.
You’ve made it this far…
And after being on this journey for as long as I have…
One thing I know for certain is that:
You can take the fast track or the scenic route.
So if not NOW, then WHEN?