Are you frustrated because traditional and even alternative medicine haven't fully met your needs?

Harmonize Your Health:

Functional Medicine

Ready to get started? Click the button below to book your appointment.

University Place / Tacoma / Gig Harbor

Are you struggling with:

Migraines and headaches?

Embarrassing or disruptive digestive concerns?

Chronic pain and inflammation - affecting your quality of life?

Escalating sensitivities to foods, scents, environments?

Metal fog?



Poor sleep?

Fatigue and exhaustion?

Look while these symptoms may be common – the truth is you don’t have to accept these as “normal” or part of getting older. 

Jeremy specializes in solving symptoms that tend to fall through the cracks in mainstream conventional medicine and even “alternative medicine.” 

Are you fed up and feel that conventional medicine, even alternative medicine has ‍‍‍not been ‍‍‍enough for you?

The truth is YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Everyday people complain about not getting the solutions they want and need from mainstream conventional and alternative medical institutions. 

People like you, are fed up with being offered the same dangerous medications, antidepressants, and risky surgeries.

Patients are tired of feeling like all they do is go to doctors, specialist, and take pills, pills and more pills. The whole system leaves patients feeling alienated, skeptical and still suffering.

Jeremy understands that conventional medicine is still rooted in the outdated and dogmatic ideas of genetic determinism, complex pharmacology and individualized systems. Instead Jeremy focuses on the overwhelming evidence that you are not separate parts – but a dynamic, complex, interconnected system.

As such, his focus is not to just suppress symptoms and offer disease management, but rather a focus on the underlying causes o‍‍‍f your symptoms. Jeremy’s focus is to help you feel better as fast as possible and for the long-term by getting to the root of  your concerns.

Jeremy’s focus is to help you feel better as fast as possible and for the long-term by getting to the root of your concerns.

Who are our patients?

Don’t want to rely on unnecessary drugs and medical intervention for the rest of their lives

Are interested in discovering the underlying cause of their problems, rather than just suppressing symptoms

Are willing to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes to support health and well-being

What is our treatment philosophy?

Jeremy focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying cause of an illness, rather than just suppressing symptoms. He uses a variety of tools including; detailed questionnaires, a thorough medical history and examination, and comprehensive laboratory tests (blood, urine, stool and saliva testing.

His  treatment strategies often include‍‍ nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, supplements, stress management, detoxification, lifestyle changes, and — in some cases and only when necessary may refer you to receive prescription medications to eliminate triggers and restore proper function and regulation.

Deep and lasting healing are only possible when the root causes of illness are addressed. By understanding the core systems of the body, how they are related, and how their function can be restored, many chronic illnesses can be prevented and even reversed.

"Let me be honest -‍‍‍ health and wellness are complicated!

But you don’t have to work on it alone."

What is our treatment philosophy?

Jeremy practices‍‍‍ a new model of medicine, sometimes referred to as “functional” or “systems” medicine. Functional medicine is neither conventional nor alternative medicine. It’s a combination of the best elements of both, and it represents the future of medicine.

What ‍‍‍you expect from being Jeremy’s patient‍‍‍?

You can expect compassion, a willingness to hear you, an emphasis on partnership and collaboration and all of his knowledge and skills. Jeremy doesn’t rely on guessing, but uses peer reviewed and vetted tests and laboratories, a patient-centric intake and interview, and his clinical experience to create a Health Plan exclusively for you.

Jeremy knows that each patient is unique, that everyone finds themselves at a different point in their lives and that healing and recovery are not generalized.‍‍‍ This is not a cookie-cutter-one-size-fits-all approach.

Conditions for Functional Medicine

In conventional medicine, there’s a doctor for every part of your body: cardiologists for the heart, gastroenterologists for the digestive system, neurologists for the brain and nervous system, podiatrists for your feet, and ophthalmologists for your eyes. But with functional medicine, Jeremy sees the body as an interconnected whole, within a larger environment.

He recognizes that in order to treat one part of the body, all of the other parts must also be considered. In working with you as a patient, Jeremy takes a step back and try to see common features that might link all the health conditions that you might be experiencing. By looking for the commonalities and patterns, he can offer interventions that affect multiple pathways, helping you recover your health faster and more completely.‍‍‍

Thus, as a functional medicine practitioner, Jeremy is‍‍‍ able to treat a wide variety of health problems, including but not limited to:

Adrenal Fatigue (HPA axis dysregulation)



Autoimmune disease


Brain fog‍

Chronic Stress

Digestive distress



Environmental/Seasonal Allergies


Night Sweats


Temporomandibular joint pain

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

Hormonal Dysfunction

Insomnia and poor sleep

Metabolic syndrome

Thyroid Issues

Ready to get started? Click the button below to book your appointment.

You’ve made it this far…

And after being on this journey for as long as I have…

One thing I know for certain is that:


You can take the fast track or the scenic route.

So if not NOW, then WHEN?

This is an invitation to feel better, so you can live the life you desire!

Currently accepting new clients.

Convenient Location: 7822 27TH St W University Place, Wa 98466

What Clients Have Said

Jeremy and his clinic have restored my faith in health. After battling chronic gut issues, stress impairment, and musculoskeletal pain for much of my life I found Jeremy and was skeptical of outcomes initially. But after spending time talking and investigating these issues together (which was previously my biggest obstacle), I felt like he understood my concerns and developed a road map. Never did I feel guilted or uncomfortable with his approach which meant a lot for my psychological journey that accompanies the physical journey. It wasn’t long before I started seeing improvement. I cannot express my gratitude for Jeremy’s attention to detail and my circumstances. I was willing to embrace a new set of eyes on my health and be empowered to live life again and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you Gilsoul Health!!!

- Rebecca Rogers -

Jeremy has had a powerful impact on my wellbeing and quality of life. His unique skillset, combining western and eastern lenses on health, and his consideration of the physical, emotional and even spiritual aspects of healing, results in getting to the root cause of my challenges. I'm so grateful to have come across Gilsoul Health and to have benefited from Jeremy's skills and wisdom!

- Jessica Heaton -

Thank you Jeremy for the acupuncture that is supporting me healing from migraines for a life that I can engage in everyday! And you are always willing to work with me to make your services accessible for me and your clients! And not to mention always lots of laughter! Highly recommend!

- Beth Solan -


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