I appreciate you taking the time to check out Gilsoul Health. It is my honor to share my passion to help you optimize your health and vitality.

I want you to feel vibrant, vital, and alive inside and out, so that you may enjoy all aspects of your life!

To achieve my goals I have structured Gilsoul Health to utilize and embrace as much of the wonders that cutting-edge technology affords us — this allows me to conduct functional medicine consultations via Telemedicine appointments from anywhere in the United States, as well as treat patients face-to-face at my restorative clinic just outside of Seattle, Washington in Tacoma - University Place.

Like so many of you, I’ve had to overcome and work through my own life and health challenges. These events have certainly shaped and influenced all aspects of my work and health philosophy.

Some of my health concerns have included:

  • Chronic childhood illness

  • Decades of antibiotic use

  • Years of debilitating headaches

  • Environmental allergies

  • Asthma

  • Food sensitivities

  • Obesity and weight-loss resistance

  • Metabolic syndrome / Type 2 diabetes

  • Insomnia

  • Chronic Stress

  • Fatigue

  • Gut dysbiosis

  • SIBO

  • Methylation dysfunction

  • Fatty Liver disorders

  • Skin disorders

Whew, what a list! I’m sure you too have a list of ailments and disorders, diseases and symptoms you’ve been struggling with, trying to cope and receive help with. If you’re like me (and considering you’re here reading my site you likely are) — you’re not receiving the care ‍‍‍and results you need and want from mainstream and even alternative medical professionals.

You’re fed up. You’re tired. You’re desperate. Or perhaps you’ve just hit a point where you’re motivated to take some action! Regardless of where you are, I applaud you for getting to this point.

Let me be honest -‍‍‍ health and wellness is complicated!

But you don’t have to work on it alone.

Why is My Work Different?

My work is an eclectic blend of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness, based on being trauma-informed, person-centered, functional, holistic healing.

I have a Masters in Science in Chinese Medicine, a double bachelors of Nutrition Science and Psychology and Sociology. I have trained with some of the top experts in Functional Medicine. I have over 15 years of bodywork and clinical experience working with a diverse group of patients and clients.

At Gilsoul Health, I combine my extensive training with significant real-life experiences spanning careers in law enforcement, to sales, to clinical patient care, which helped shape my firm yet compassionate and gentle style of work based in love and compassion - with a foundation of what truth and what is. The core of my working is centered in integrating physical, mental, emotional healing, and is done through the framework created and taught in my Resilience Renewal Reset.

The Gilsoul Health Resilience Renewal Reset

Is Made Up Of...

The Body Reset

(Physical Foundation)

This part focuses on restoring and maintaining the physical body through the foundational pillars of health:

Diet & Nutrition:

Emphasizing ancestral nutrition, using food as medicine to heal, recover, and maintain optimal health.

Movement & Rest:

Incorporating physical activity and sleep to support the body’s natural rhythms and recovery processes.

Breath work & Stress Response:

Teaching the power of breath to control stress, regulate the nervous system, and promote physical resilience.

The Mind & Emotion Reset

(Mental & Emotional Resilience)

This part centers on healing and strengthening the mental and emotional aspects of the human experience:

Mindset Mastery:

Developing adaptable, growth-oriented, and disciplined thought patterns to overcome challenges and foster resilience.

Emotional Healing & Recovery:

Addressing trauma, emotional health, and stress through mindfulness and mindset shifts, promoting emotional balance and healing.

Relationships & Environment:

Understanding how personal relationships and the surrounding environment influence mental and emotional health, and making choices that support wellbeing.

The Spirit & Connection Reset

(Spiritual & Environmental Alignment)

The final part connects the individual to something greater, bringing alignment with the spiritual and natural world:

Spiritual Awareness & Growth:

Encouraging connection with one’s spirit, purpose, and higher self, leading to a deeper sense of peace and clarity.

Connection to Nature & the World:

Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life, and fostering a relationship with the natural world for spiritual grounding and healing.

Purpose & Fulfillment:

Finding alignment between personal actions and universal principles, creating a life filled with meaning, connection, and harmony.

Who am I and How Did I Get Here?

I've always been a leader, driven to support others, but guiding them towards a holistic healing journey, focusing on multiple layers, addressing various traumas, and inspiring them to concentrate on their future rather than their past, wasn't always clear to me.

I used to center my efforts on everyone else's well-being, exhausting myself while neglecting my own needs and desires. I bottled up my worries and made compromises that didn't align with my highest values. I felt compelled to be the pillar of strength for those around me, fearing that the world would crumble without me.

I was profoundly detached from my own body, particularly my emotions, as constant thoughts overwhelmed my mind. I became adept at masking my struggles, acting like a chameleon, so for a time, no one detected my inner turmoil. However, the façade slowly crumbled, and signs of my internal struggle became evident.

If someone had asked if I was happy, I would have provided eloquent responses, but in reality, I was clueless about my emotions and their origins. I was barely hanging on, navigating each day as if traversing a minefield, seeking deeper escape through food, alcohol, sex, and even video games.

For decades, I grappled with obesity, gastrointestinal issues, perpetual headaches, and frequent illnesses. But the worst part was the unrelenting exhaustion, burnout, and overwhelming stress. I watched my youth slip away, believing this was the norm – life meant working, enduring, paying bills, chores, and more bills, followed by sleep and holding on. I hoped that one day this rollercoaster of life would become gentler, that someone would magically arrive with all the solutions, like a character from 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' I just needed my golden ticket. Until then, I had to continue pretending… keep working… keep on faking it.

What I didn't realize back then was that, in many ways, I was my own problem, the source of my struggle and burnout. I was a casualty of my own choices, behaviors, patterns, thoughts, and suppressed emotions. When I finally paused and confronted my need for healing, when I peeled back the layers and committed to my own healing journey, taking matters into my own hands, I learned to heal and lead myself. That's when everything began to change.

The Work (Healing) is Never Done...

After well over a decade of studying, learning, doing my own work to heal and be the best leader I can be, I can tell you right now… I'm not a Guru, nor all enlightened. I am simply a guide. An Holistic Uber driver if you will, and like any good guide, I continue to travel the paths, again and again, and well, again.

Each time, I become aware of new things. I notice little subtle details, I get better at noticing my surroundings and the environment. Maybe I know about some construction on the road ahead, or I know a really awesome view you just have to see that won't add time to your journey.

The truth is, I know just the right questions to ask at well-timed moments. I fully embrace the journey, I soak it up, and allow it to become part of me, exposing it to all the pieces of myself - the seen and the unseen, and each time I travel the path - little by little, I become ever more connected, knowing that next time, I'll have even more insight and wisdom to navigate the path more naturally, more gracefully, more embodied and aware.

This is what being a wellness leader is. It's a commitment to work that never ends - and moreover it's an acceptance of that. At Gilsoul Health, healing is about looking for ways to heal and improve, it's looking at different layers of healing, looking at different ways to express ourselves, and most importantly it's looking for ways to live presently to our fullest. It's not something that you get from a doctor or by taking a pill - it's not something you do, it's a state of being. It's something you are. You become ‘the healing.’ This is how I hold my own healing. This is my commitment to you. And this is what I ask from everyone I work with. To become their healing.

If you are looking for next-level healing, mentorship, and support, you can access my teaching and learn how to work with me at Gilsoul Health, in a number of ways ranging from free to five-figure investments, with information on all offerings found here on my site. I would love to support you on your journey, and I hope you join me on yours.

Start Your Healing Journey Here…

You’ve made it this far… And after being on this journey for as long as I have…

One thing I know for certain is that:


You can take the fast track or the scenic route. So if not NOW, then WHEN?

This is an invitation to feel better, so you can live the life you desire!

Currently accepting new clients.

Convenient Location: 7822 27TH St W University Place, Wa 98466

What Clients Have Said...

Jeremy is absolutely fantastic!!! I've been suffering from excruciating pain in my jaw for 7 months due to trigeminal neuralgia, often referred to as the 'Suicide Nerve". I sought treatment by a neurologist and a neurosurgeon, and I took many of the prescribed medications, but I wasn't getting total relief of my pain. The recommendation for my next course of treatment was to have very invasive 'brain' surgery, so I wanted to exhaust all other possible remedies before going through with the surgery. I did some research and read that acupuncture had some good results, so I decided to give it a try. After 3 weeks of treatment, I have not had ANY PAIN for a week. A TRUE MIRACLE FOR SURE!!!! What a relief not to have PAIN!!!!!

- Jane Palafox -

Jeremy has had a powerful impact on my wellbeing and quality of life. His unique skillset, combining western and eastern lenses on health, and his consideration of the physical, emotional and even spiritual aspects of healing, results in getting to the root cause of my challenges. I'm so grateful to have come across Gilsoul Health and to have benefited from Jeremy's skills and wisdom!

- Jessica Heaton -

Thank you Jeremy for the acupuncture that is supporting me healing from migraines for a life that I can engage in everyday! And you are always willing to work with me to make your services accessible for me and your clients! And not to mention always lots of laughter! Highly recommend!

- Rebecca Rogers -


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